Much depends on Ukraine's support abroad. Vyshyvanka Day is a great opportunity to talk about Ukraine with foreigners. But how and what should we talk about?

The organizers of the Ukrainian digital community Strichka have developed a Guide to Ukrainian public diplomacy. According to the idea, on Vyshyvanka Day, June 16, 2024, thousands of Ukrainians in dozens of countries will be able to turn a bright national event into the beginning of a large-scale campaign for Ukraine's advocacy in the world.

Participants of the campaign should register in the Strichka digital community, created for the coordination of Ukrainians abroad, download the Advocacy Guide and use its theses on June 16 on Vyshyvanka Day: to tell ordinary residents of different countries why it is worth supporting Ukraine to victory. The main emphasis is shifted to why this is needed in the first place by every country in the world, not only Ukraine, and what is the interest of such support for ordinary citizens of other countries.

"We are sure that if thousands of Ukrainians can negotiate with thousands of local residents, Ukraine will gain many new sympathizers among citizens of foreign countries. And this, in turn, is a powerful lever of influence on decision-making by the leadership of these countries," Strichka organizers say.

Strichka is represented by popular ambassadors including volunteer Taira (Yuliia Paevska), musician Fozzey (Olexandr Sydorenko) and film director Oles' Sanin.

While creating the Guide to Ukrainian Public Diplomacy the authors were inspired by the world-famous Hasbara, a project that helps promote knowledge about Israel in the world through the efforts of ordinary Israelis. Despite criticism, experts consider Hasbara almost the most successful project of all time for positioning the interests of a separate state abroad.

You can join the Strichka campaign and download the Guide to Ukrainian People's Diplomacy by following the link: